
Invisible Grill

Invisible grills give the illusion of being unseen at a glance, yet upon closer inspection, they reveal themselves. Constructed with delicate, thin cables that can be installed either horizontally or vertically, these grills offer safety without impeding the view from your windows or balconies.

This makes them an excellent choice for those prioritizing aesthetics, families with young children or pets residing in high-rise buildings, and individuals who appreciate keeping their windows or balcony doors open to embrace natural light.

Pros of Invisible Grill


Contrary to the perception that invisible grills might lack strength, each cable can withstand a maximum tension of 250KG. When combined, these cables can support tons of force. Additionally, the cables are made of 316L stainless steel wires, making them resistant to rust in Malaysia's unpredictable tropical weather


Invisible grills eliminate concerns about bulky structures obstructing the scenic view from your balcony. You can enjoy the breathtaking view you paid for without compromising on safety. They allow you to achieve a minimalistic look for your home, saving you from the dilemma between aesthetics and choosing something more durable for safety reasons.


Considered a premium product due to their construction and installation, the price of invisible grills may not be as expensive as perceived. The installation cost for a standard-sized apartment balcony typically ranges from RM800 to RM1800. This is a rough estimate, as factors like materials, balcony size, and more can influence the price. There might also be promotions for invisible safety grills


Custom-designed ZIP Screen, specifically tailored for the Southeast Asian climate, is suitable for various high-rise apartments or ground-level terrace houses. It provides excellent privacy protection and is resistant to sunlight, wind, rain, and pesky insects.

As a stylish, secure, and durable alternative to traditional awnings, you can customize the system in any size according to your preferences, offering a solution for almost any area. The fabric and hardware colors draw inspiration from T&T Home Decor, allowing you to match them with your home's existing outdoor color palette.

Pros of ZipScreen

🔸Sun & UV Protection🔸

ZipScreen serves as an effective outdoor sunshade, minimizing unwanted heat by blocking up to 90% of warmth and UV rays from direct sunlight.


ZipScreen ensures essential privacy, making it an ideal solution for outdoor areas where a more secluded environment is desired.

🔸Reduced Heat Inside🔸

The blinds effectively diminish unwanted heat within your home, enhancing comfort by blocking both heat and UV rays from direct sunlight.


ZipScreen blinds offer design flexibility, enabling customization based on individual preferences and needs.

🔸Ease of Installation🔸

The system is relatively easy to install, providing a convenient solution for transforming outdoor spaces.